3 PinOut diagrams are only for reference. See Ports and interfaces for true locations and mappings.
6 ![PixRacer](https://pixhawk.org/_media/modules/pixracer_r09_top_pinouts.png?cache=)
9 ![PixRacer](https://pixhawk.org/_media/modules/pixracer_r09_bot_pinouts.png?cache=&w=900&h=660&tok=a821d6)
11 Schematic : https://pixhawk.org/_media/modules/pixracer-r14.pdf
14 PixRacer comes with NuttX Bootloader installed.
15 To flash INAV follow the steps below
16 * Short 3.3 V pad and GND pad located at Top(near Motor Pins)
18 * Either use ziadag to get the correct the drivers for INAV based firmware flashing or use Dfuse to flash the correct firmware.
19 If you want to revert back then PixRacer factory Loaded Bootloader Bin File for Dfuse : https://github.com/mkschreder/ardupilot/tree/master/mk/PX4/bootloader (download px4fmu4_bl.bin) or Build your own from :https://github.com/PX4/Bootloader
20 Then follow this : https://pixhawk.org/dev/bootloader_update
24 ### Processor and Sensors
26 * 32-bit STM32F427 Cortex M4 core with FPU rev. 3 168 MHz/256 KB RAM/2 MB Flash
27 * ICM-20608-G 3-axis accelerometer/gyroscope
28 * MPU-9250 3-axis accelerometer/gyroscope/magnetometer
29 * MEAS MS5611 barometer
30 * Honeywell HMC5983 magnetometer temperature compensated
32 ### Interface and Ports
34 Total UARTS Recognized by INAV -> 8
38 * Use: ESP8266 for Wifi OTA updates in Arducopter and PX4 AutoPilot
39 * See Top View to find TX & RX
40 * Only 3.3 volt peripherals will work unless your provide your own 5V BEC
45 * Runcam Device/Smart Audio and any other UART Peripheral should be supported
50 * Runcam Device/Smart Audio and any other UART Peripheral should be supported
54 * Use : I2C/GPS Port (WIP if you want to just use I2C)
55 * Recommended to actually leave this port as is and not modify wires
56 * GPS devices/ magnetometer and other I2C devices should be connected to this port
57 * Till I2C is made available use as Free UART
62 * Recommendation :CAN ESC?
67 * Has RSS IN and and supports only PPM
68 * RSS IN board is connected to PC1 pin of the F4 controller
69 * RC input has been separated
70 * PPM RC input is on PB0
71 * Serial RC input is on PC7
75 * Use :JTAG connector for debugging and bootloader/firmware flash
76 * Unless you really know what you are doing leave this port alone
77 * If you _really_ need another UART be aware, this port is limited to 3.3 volt
81 * Use : Native FrSky port
82 * Recommendation : Use for native FrSky telemetry
85 You can connect the buzzer provide from factory to the default buzzer port
89 * SD card (SDIO Bus)(Pins used are PC8, PC9, PC10, P11, PC12, PD 2)
90 * Voltage Sensing (Connected to PA2)
91 * Current Sensing (Connected to PA3)
92 * HMC5983 compass (DRDY : PE12 , CS : PE15) (SPI bus pins : SCK on PB10 , MISO on PB14, MOSI on PB15) shares SPI bus with FRAM
93 * FM25V02-G FRAM memory support (SPI bus pins : SCK on PB10 , MISO on PB14, MOSI on PB15)
94 * I2C support (SCL on PB8 ,SDA on PB9)